Introducing Space Life Art

Dare to go where no....

...artwork has gone before!

“Dare to go where no artwork has gone before”.

At one time or another, has not every one of us been moved when looking up at the stars at night? Have we not each wondered where we and our planet earth, third rock from the sun, fit in the universe? Who can not admire that so many countries have worked together making the International Space Station truly an “International” success? Artwork is said to always be representative of its time period. This Artwork certainly represents a significant aspect of our age. We may realize how our moon really is earth’s “significant other” partner. We may wonder how earth itself can be merely a small planet set in a sea of stars. And thankfully, we may all find solace and hope in how world coopereation to get anything done is possible – as exemplified by our International Space Station. It is my hope that you may all enjoy pausing and reflecting on this Artwork..

View our gallery below (click to enlarge images)

About Space Life Art

Dwight Darling is the inventor of the original World View Time clock, obtaining a US patent in 1990. The Space Life Art collection was inspired utilizing these unique polar azimuthal projections of the entire earth. We hope these images will invoke global awareness of our incredible MOTHER EARTH.

Dwight Darling

Phone: 613-213-1735
Mailing Address: 3 Apple Street, Unit 209, Brockville Ontario K6V 4X5.
